Smiling Consignor on the Phone

Sell my Classic Motorcar, Motorcycle or Vintage Scooter with H&H Classics

Showcase your Classic in the most prestigious venues and reach a global audience.


Get a valuation for your classic car, motorcycle, or vintage scooter: it's free. 


Choose the easiest way that works for you:


  1. Call our friendly team at 01925 210035
  2. Email us at, or
  3. Fill out the quick form below—we'll get back to you promptly


For after-hours enquiries, reach James McWilliam at or call 07943 584760.



Drag and drop .jpg images here to upload, or click here to select images.

Once you have received and are happy with your complimentary valuation, you’ll now need to enter your motor vehicle into the auction, to do this complete the below form.

Motor Car Entry Form PDF

Motorcycle Entry Form PDF

Please return all completed paperwork to